

ladies and gentlemen, today i am 20 weeks into my pregnancy, which means i am halfway! so exciting!
when i look at this, i see a definite belly there,
but for some reason i feel like i'm not showing yet!

How far along? 20 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: no clue. jeans still fitting, but not comfortable
Maternity clothes? slowly switching over
Stretch marks? *crosses fingers* not yet
Sleep: not enough! my cough hasn't helped
Best moment this week: i think i can feel the baby!
Movement: i *think* so. its odd, but always in the same place
Food cravings: i like cheeseburgers alot
Gender: no clue, i'll say girl again
Labor Signs: not time yet
Belly Button in or out? innie
What I miss: sleeping all night w/o getting up to pee
What I am looking forward to: brandt being able to feel the baby
Weekly Wisdom: buy a house big enough to hold all your junk. or better yet, get rid of your junk before you buy a house!
Milestones: i had a stranger ask if i was pregnant! well, our regular waitress at casa ole, but still, she's sort of a stranger

ok, now a followup from yesterday. the stroller!

i love it. its really nice. but its b.i.g. it will be great for when i start running/jogging again. and for going for walks with the dogs, we don't stay on the sidewalks, we go out in a big grassy area. also, it will be great for the zoo and any sort of activity like that.

however, it is too big for the mall. it bums me out b/c i was hoping that this would be our go-to stroller, but not so much. it is agile and really easy to turn and move (at least empty) but it is more than likely too long and wide for shopping. but i could be wrong.

and lastly, here's brandt showing madi the stroller, and her checking it out!


The Houstons said...

AAhhhh I love it love it! Yall are too precious...you should definitely mention in your next post how Brandt refused to hold Noah...and why:) So sweet! Im getting super excited for yall!

Mama E said...

I know what you mean about not feeling like you're showing! I ask Brian ALL THE TIME "do I look pregnant yet?" hahaha

I'm glad a have a friend experiencing all this too :)