

i've been neglecting my blog lately. its been slow at work lately, so you would think i would have more time to play on here. actually though, it just means i've been at my desk less.

i missed my 28 week post :(

i had the stomach flu and couldn't even keep down water, so that friday i didn't do much other than sleep. but i will make it up by posting some pictures from my first baby shower!

i had a dr's appt on tues, and i got the results back from my gestational diabetes test. (for everyone who doesn't know, every pregnant person has to take the test, you get a very sugary drink and you have to drink it and then wait an hour, then they take your blood and test it to make sure your body processes sugar correctly. if it goes undiagnosed, it can cause complications farther along.) anyways, i passed! yay! so i can continue on with my love affair of dr. pepper.

don't judge me. its the only vice i am allowed to have.

however, the test did tell us that i am anemic. which, really, is no surprise b/c i was told that in high school too. so now i get to add iron supplements to my daily dose of pills. (up to 4!)
but i'll do what it takes to keep our baby healthy :)

next ultrasound will be on the 30th! so a few more weeks till we get to see our little one again!

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